Sunday, February 26, 2012

Choosing a designer handbag Replica Handbags

A handbag is an accessory that many people, especially women cannot do without. Women carry a Replica Hermes Handbags handbag on a day to day basis and take it everywhere they go. These days, a handbag is a fashion statement. They have been designed to suit an individualFirst of all, carefully examine the bag. Sounds rather obvious, right? Well its not so obvious if you do not know what you are looking for. Check for things Replica Handbags like the stitching, it should be extremely neat for original bags. There should be no missing stitches and the spaces between the stitches should be even. The color of the thread used should perfectly match the color of the Replica Samantha Thavasa Handbags bag. Finally the logo of an original bag will be printed and engraved. Originals do not have printed logos only. An original designer handbag is usually made from leather. This leather comes from either: goatskin, lambskin, calfskin and patent leather. These leathers are the finest ones out there and it is therefore not difficult to distinguish them from their fake counterparts. A genuine designer handbag will have a satin lining. Manufacturers will always put their logos on the lining.An authentic designer handbag will have an authenticity card for the owner of the bag. Others will have a serial number that is found on the inside pockets. Also, you should always buy the bags from well known stores that deal in such bags so as to avoid con artists out there. You can alternatively request for proof of authentication from the seller of the bag. This includes receipts and serial numbers. Another guiding factor is the price. If the deal is too good, you should be alerted. However, some fake bags are sold at the same price as the originals in a bid to convince the buyer that the bags are indeed original. You should buy the handbag from the designer store itself. For example, Gucci in a Gucci store. If you buy from these stores, you are always sure that the bag you are buying is an Hermes Handbags original. Some people however opt for knockoffs because they are a replica of the original at a cheaper price. Some of these knockoffs are actually good you just have to know where to look for them. However, it is more economical to buy the original bag from the stores. True, they are expensive but they are of good quality and they will last longer than their fake counterparts.

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